November 8, 2023
April 12, 2023

Full Funnel Success with Spaceback: Building Awareness

Aubrey Lehrmann
Head of Marketing

Social media platforms have become indispensable tools for businesses to connect with consumers. Brands have a social presence to build meaningful relationships with their customers, foster brand loyalty, act as customer support, and ultimately drive revenue growth. Whatever the goal, marketers are heavily investing time and budget into their social strategy: Messaging, content calendars, production, measurement, and more.

This effort and investment is often bound by the walls of, well, the walled gardens. A killer TikTok video or an engaging Instagram carousel quickly gets buried and can struggle to reach your current followers.

Spaceback Social Display and Video can expand the impact of a brand's social efforts at every stage of the marketing funnel. In this post, we'll take a look at how Social Display and Video can be used strategically for Awareness. Check out the rest of the series to learn more about tactics and best practices for consideration, conversion, and retention (coming soon!).

But first, a quick primer on Spaceback. We are the leaders in Social Display and Video. Spaceback enables advertisers and agencies to instantly turn social content into effective programmatic ads.


Building awareness and developing brand recognition often require fresh, punchy creative and high-reach media tactics.

Let's talk creative first. Standard creative production is expensive. Brands place big bets on which creative concepts to produce without knowing if it will resonate with consumers. Because of the expense, even top tier brands tend to produce just one creative concept per campaign or reuse banners year after year. Even if a brand develops amazing creative, it still wears out far too quickly.

Spaceback units have no production fees and only take minutes to launch a new ad so advertisers can run fresh, timely creative for the whole campaign. The banners are created from the brand's social posts, which unifies messaging, streamlines internal operations, and allows for as many refreshes as needed with no additional production costs.

The second component required for building awareness is high-reach media tactics. Here, social media has done the hard work for us–brands can quickly identify which posts have been successful. Spaceback then instantly converts the posts to IAB standard ads and exports DCM ad tags in minutes. Add these tags to your DSP or other digital media buys and grow your awareness efficiently and effectively.

Best practices for building awareness using Social Display and Video:

  • Choose social posts with strong branding examples
  • Create multiple ad sizes from each post to open up inventory
  • Prioritize video units to grab attention
  • Feature people or relatable scenarios to make a human connection

Spaceback Social Display and Video is a powerful and flexible tool for brands to build awareness, increase consideration, drive sales, and foster loyalty. Activating Social Display and Video with Spaceback is simple since many brands already post content that supports various phases of the funnel. Brands get more mileage from content, streamlined messaging, and improved internal operations and audiences get fresh creative and engaging content.

Learn more about how Spaceback formats can bring success to every stage of the funnel: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, and Retention. Want to discuss how Spaceback can boost your campaigns? Email us at

Banner Ads
Display Advertising
Marketing Strategy
Social Display
Walled Gardens